Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Backside Tours Film Festival

Recently I had a chance to work with Backside Tours during their first annual film festival. We all had a blast working together, and at the end of the festival I came out with a few great shots. The festival was a success in itself, with over 400 unique visitors over the course of the two day festival, which showcased two snowboard films, and two ski films.

With great sponsors and a great turnout, the film festival is sure to become a hit in the future as a great way to start the winter season.

Check out some of the photos after the jump, and the full gallery at: Picasa - Backside Tours Film Festival

Backside Tours

Robyn and Curtis showing off the Movember Mittens

The Backside Crew and Sponsors

Neall, the man behind the Film Festival

University of ALberta Ski Club Executives and Volunteers

Afterparty messiness at The Old Strathcona Rack

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